Maple Roasted Carrots in Tahini Sauce with Pomegranate and Pistachios

Sweet maple roasted carrots served topped with a tasty tahini sauce, pomegranate and pistachios!
Easter is right around the corner and boy do I have a side dish recipe for you! These tasty maple roasted carrots in tahini sauce with pomegranate and pistachios will blow your mind! The carrots are tossed in maple syrup and roasted until tender before being topped with a creamy tahini sauce along with pomegranate and pistachios to add both colour and texture. The tahini sauce is nice and creamy with a little lemon citrus bite, sweet maple syrup and salty miso paste (or soy sauce). The pomegranate adds bursts of juiciness in addition to the jewel like radiant red colour and the pistachios add that crunchy texture along with the vibrant green colour! When everything is combined into this maple roasted carrots in tahini sauce with pomegranate and pistachios you get one truly amazing side dish that is perfect for your Easter dinner, or any other meal for that matter!

Maple Roasted Carrots in Tahini Sauce with Pomegranate and Pistachios

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